Chuck gets jealous when Sarah has to seduce Fulcrum agent Cole Barker, codename "Beefcake".
In the meantime, while Big Mike continues dating Morgan's mother and Morgan takes refuge at Chuck's place, Jeff and Lester start looking for the "Buy More Babe" as a way of finding a new employee.
Cast and Crew
Writer: Matthew Lau, Zev Borow
Director: Allan Kroeker
Star: Zachary Levi (Chuck Bartowski), Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah Walker), Joshua Gomez (Morgan Pace), Adam Baldwin (Major John Casey), Sarah Lancaster (Ellie Bartowski), Ryan McPartlin (Devon "Captain Awesome" Woodcomb), Julia Ling (Anna Wu), Mark Christopher Lawrence (Big Mike), Vik Sahay (Lester), Scott Krinsky (Jeff).
Recurring Role: Bonita Friedericy (General Beckman)
Guest Star: Robert Picardo (Dr. Howard Busgang), Vincent Duvall (Duncan)
Featured Music:
"God & Suicide" by Blitzen Trapper (Chuck and Sarah wake up)
"Walks Like An Egyptian" by The Puppini Sisters (The mission starts)
"Signs" by Bloc Party (Closing scenes)
Episode Recap
Episode 216 | Season 2 | 03/09/2009
In the machine room of an industrial plant, Fulcrum agent Duncan beats Cole Barker, who's bound to a pole. Duncan demands to know how much the CIA knows about Perseus and the identity of Intersect, but Cole refuses to talk. Meanwhile, Chuck and Sarah wake up uncomfortably in his bed. When Chuck asks if Sarah is worried about Cole, she claims their relationship is purely professional.
Ellie greets Sarah and Chuck with enthusiastic hugs and offers to help them find an apartment. She warns Sarah not to let Chuck take all his stuff -- for instance, his Tron poster deserves to be thrown out. Chuck still hasn't told Morgan that he's moving in with Sarah. When he tries, Casey pulls him into Castle, where Sarah hurriedly packs files. Assuming Cole will cave to Fulcrum's torture, Chuck is going off the grid.
When sirens warn of a perimeter breach, Sarah and Casey go on full alert. A door opens to reveal Cole, who falls into Sarah's arms, bloody and beaten. In the de-brief, Cole admits that he escaped nine Fulcrum agents, and no, he didn't talk. Back at Buy More, Anna has found Morgan's lease in the fax machine, and reached the conclusion that they're moving in together as an anniversary gift. Morgan doesn't have the heart to tell Anna the truth.
In despair, Morgan tells Jeff and Lester that if Anna finds out the truth about the apartment, it will surely end the sexual component of their relationship. Overjoyed, Jeff prepares to pick up the pieces, but Lester thinks all they have to do is convince Anna that moving in with Morgan is a bad idea. Together, the guys will repulse Anna so much, that she'll never want to move in with Morgan. Repulsion is their business, and business is good.
Thanks to Cole, Beckman has learned that Fulcrum is protecting the head scientist behind Intersect, code named Perseus. Perseus is attending a formal event tonight at the Swiss Consulate, and the State Department has arranged invitations for Casey and Sarah. Cole and Chuck will stay behind in Castle and monitor the operation by remote feed.
Morgan blows off Anna in favor of recreating Wimbledon's best matches on Wii with Jeff and Lester. When sweaty Jeff takes off his shirt, disgusting everyone, Morgan promises that this is what Anna can look forward to when they live together. Meanwhile, Cole orders Chuck to monitor Casey, while he sticks with Sarah. Chuck flashes on party attendee Howard Busgang and identifies him as Perseus. Cole spies Duncan, just as he deploys a jamming device and the surveillance feed goes dead.
Despite Chuck's protests, Cole loads some pistols with plans to go to the Consulate to save Sarah and Casey. Sometimes it's not about wanting to be a hero, it's about needing to be. Even though Chuck has no experience with guns, he's going to carry one now. Meanwhile, Sarah charms Busgang, just as Casey realizes the feed is dead. Peeping through a window, Chuck spies Duncan holding Sarah and Casey at gunpoint and leading them upstairs.
When Casey lays into Duncan, Busgang finally realizes that Duncan has gone rogue from the CIA. Busgang claims he thought he was helping his country. Cole tries to climb onto the roof, but his wounds start bleeding, so she shoves Chuck into his place. Casey and Sarah spy Chuck just as he's climbing through the window. Chuck drops his gun, which goes off, shooting Busgang in the leg.
Sarah and Casey take advantage of the confusion to shoot up the place. Busgang escapes, and Cole dives in to take a bullet for Sarah, saving her life again. Still, Duncan gets away. Back at Castle, Sarah dresses Cole's wounds as Chuck limps off, downplaying his own ankle injury. Cole thanks Sarah; it's nice to be looked after by someone who really cares.
Morgan apologizes to Anna for the whole Wimbledon thing, and hands her a fat prenuptial agreement, with provisions for no pets and string cheese only. Charmed by Morgan's hilarity, Anna promises to sign whatever he wants. She loves Morgan, quirks and all. Back at Castle, Beckman briefs the gang, explaining that Busgang was one of the creators of Intersect. Thinking Busgang may know how to get the Intersect out of his head, Chuck is determined to find him.
Morgan, Jeff and Lester are just wondering if Anna is un-repulsable when Chuck limps in to ask what's happening. Chuck berates Morgan for continuing to test Anna; if he doesn't stop, she'll leave, and Morgan will miss out on the catch of a lifetime. Chuck limps home. Ellie makes a big deal over his twisted ankle and insists on taking him to the hospital. Thinking Chuck may have a hairline fracture, Ellie fits him with a giant cast.
Sarah re-dresses Cole's wounds, as he continues to try seducing her. Being around someone you really care about doesn't happen that often to spies like them. If you're lucky enough to find a soul mate, are you supposed to just walk away? That doesn't seem fair. Sarah agrees; it doesn't seem fair because it isn't.
At the hospital, Chuck overhears Busgang arguing with a doctor. The doctor wants Busgang to stay overnight, but Busgang insists on leaving. Chuck calls Casey, who tells him not to follow Busgang, but Chuck quotes Cole: sometimes you need to be a hero. Busgang limps out of the hospital with his cane, and Chuck limps after him, as a Fulcrum agent spies them leaving.
Chuck follows Busgang to his office, unaware that Duncan is on his trail. As Busgang packs a bag with money and his passport, Chuck stares in wonder at a giant mainframe. When he turns around, Busgang is pointing a gun at him. Chuck claims he didn't come to hurt Busgang or to bring him in, he just has some questions about the Intersect. Chuck spies a folder entitled "Orion" and flashes.
Recognizing Chuck's flash, Busgang gets excited to realize that the Intersect is in Chuck's head. When Chuck asks if a person can be de-Intersected, Busgang allows that only Orion would know. Everything is based on his work. Suddenly, Duncan runs in to shoot Busgang before he can say anything else. Cole busts in, just as Duncan is about to shoot Chuck. Cole takes a bullet for Chuck, but Duncan is still in the game.
Chuck kicks Duncan in the knee with his cast, but Duncan revives. Just as he's about to kill both Chuck and Cole, Sarah shoots him in the back. Concerned, Sarah stands between Chuck and Cole, asking if they're okay. Chuck automatically assumes she's just talking to Cole. Back at Castle, Beckman congratulates the team on a job well done. When Chuck asks about Orion, Beckman claims they're working on it.
Chuck talks to Cole as he prepares to return to London, lamenting that he may never get the Intersect out of his head. Cole offers some advice: if you want something bad enough, don't take no for an answer, and for God's sake, carry a gun. Chuck leaves, giving Cole an opportunity to make one last play for Sarah, but she's not the sort of girl who cheats on her cover boyfriend. Having seen the way Sarah looked at Chuck when he was hurt, Cole has to admit that Chuck has won the day.
At Buy More, Morgan approaches Chuck with sorrow in his heart. He has to move in with Anna; she loves him, and he wants to make her happy. Chuck congratulates Morgan on making the right choice and returns home, where he bumps into Sarah. With new resolve, Chuck tells Sarah that he can't move in with her. He's crazy about her, but he can't stand their fake relationship. One day, Chuck will get the Intersect out of his head, and when he does, he'll live the life he wants with the girl he loves.
Chuck tells Ellie about his change in plans -- he's not moving out, and they'll have to talk about it later. Chuck makes a beeline for his bedroom and pulls his precious Tron poster off the wall. Unbeknownst to anyone, Chuck has been keeping an org chart on the back of the poster, delineating his search for clues on the Intersect. Chuck writes the word "Orion" at the top of the chart, determined to change his life.
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