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1 Aralık 2007 Cumartesi

CHUCK Episode 10 - Chuck Versus the Nemesis


Chuck's nemesis Bryce Larkin has returned from the dead at this Thanksgiving time and secret forces have been wanting Bryce to get rid of the "intersect," which is Chuck's brain but Bryce has something he wants Chuck to do for him. Through all this trouble, Chuck is facing the busiest shopping day of the year at the Buy More.

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Cast and Crew

Writer: Chris Fedak

Director: Allison Liddi-Brown

Star: Zachary Levi (Chuck Bartowski), Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah Walker), Joshua Gomez (Morgan Pace), Adam Baldwin (Major John Casey), Sarah Lancaster (Ellie Bartowski).

Recurring Role: Ryan McPartlin (Captain Awesome), Mark Christopher Lawrence (Big Mike)

Guest Star: Matthew Bomer (Bryce Larkin), Julia Ling (Anna Wu), Scott Krinsky (Jeff), Vik Sahay (Lester).

Episode Recap

Episode 110 | Season 1 | 11/26/2007

Sarah and Casey watch Bryce through an observation window. He woozily asks for Chuck, who is at Buy More, hiding from Big Mike in the vacuum cleaners, leaving Sarah yet another message. Chuck admits to Morgan that he thought it was over with Sarah, but then they had a really big moment, and he realized that he was wrong to break up with her. Morgan asks if he can bring Anna to Thanksgiving dinner, warning that she's a little jealous of his love for Ellie.

Big Mike assembles the workers for a meeting about Black Friday, Buy More's biggest sales day of the year. Everyone is to come in on Thanksgiving Day so Morgan can train them in crowd control. When Sarah stops by, Chuck invites her to Thanksgiving at his house, trying to ask if they're back together. She answers by telling him that Bryce is alive, and he's been asking for Chuck.

Casey warns Chuck that Bryce is trained as a rogue CIA agent, before pushing him into Bryce's secured chamber. Bryce asks Chuck to prove it's really him, by speaking Klingon. Chuck asks Bryce why he did it. Explaining that it's complicated, Bryce grabs a hypodermic and takes Chuck hostage, dragging him into an elevator. He forces Sarah to give him the elevator's code, but it opens to reveal scarred agent Tommy.

Bryce manages to close the elevator doors on Tommy, who he is on less than good terms with. Bryce is delighted to learn that his plan to download the Intersect into Chuck worked. He sticks Chuck with the hypodermic, and takes off, asking Chuck to tell Sarah that it's hard to say good-bye. After Chuck comes to, he wants to chase Bryce, but Sarah says that it's not their assignment. Chuck presses Sarah about the status of their relationship, but Ellie accidentally interrupts.

On Thanksgiving Day, Morgan trains the Buy More troops. Only if something terrible happens are they to use code word "pineapple" signifying complete evacuation of the store. Chuck arrives home with last minute groceries, only to find that Ellie has invited Casey. Casey claims he was only following orders when he killed Bryce, and Sarah knows all about it. And if Chuck gets the chance, he should shoot to kill - Bryce is dangerous.

Anna is rude to Ellie, calling her a hussy, and complaining that her sweet potatoes need marshmallows. Chuck takes the blame, and goes to the Nerd Herder to collect the forgotten marshmallows, and runs into Bryce, who insists on talking to Sarah, claiming that Tommy is after the Intersect. Sarah meets Bryce in the bedroom, and he grabs her for a kiss. Spying this, Chuck returns to the table and sends Casey after Bryce. Casey pulls his gun out, and Bryce runs for it.

When Morgan almost has an orgasm, eating Ellie's sweet potatoes with marshmallows, Anna huffs out. Morgan follows, and Chuck follows him to find Sarah in the courtyard. They find Bryce in Casey's apartment. He claims that he was recruited by the Fulcrum guys to destroy the Intersect. He didn't mean to hurt Sarah, and he isn't rogue. Chuck has a flash, and tells Sarah that Bryce is telling the truth. Casey comes in with his gun drawn and shoots Bryce. Chuck faints.

Bryce is wearing a bulletproof vest, so he's fine. He talks about the night Casey shot him. Bryce talks of waking up in an ambulance with Tommy, telling him that he downloaded the Intersect into himself, so Tommy lets him live. Bryce now wants to turn himself into the CIA, but Fulcrum has agents at all levels. Chuck volunteers to be present for the transfer - if he flashes on the CIA people, then they'll know that it's not safe.

Wanting to make the transfer in a crowded public place, Chuck suggests they do it on Black Friday at Buy More. Bryce tells Chuck that he intends to disappear all over again, and thanks Chuck for everything with a handshake. Chuck scans the two CIA guys picking up Bryce, and they pass muster, so they leave with Bryce and Sarah. Trying to avert a crisis, Morgan sends Jeff to fix the cash registers, which are all broken.

In the car, Bryce and Sarah are about to talk about their relationship, when they are hit by another car, and find themselves lying unconscious on the road. Meanwhile, Tommy infiltrates Buy More, telling Chuck that he has seven killers spread throughout the store, and they've already got Casey, Sarah and Bryce. Jeff runs up, panicked that he can't fix the registers, and Chuck tells him to tell Morgan "pineapple." Morgan calls for the store's immediate evacuation, and carries Anna out of the chaos, winning her love.

After calling for a team, Casey grabs Chuck and stashes him in the home theater room, so he can shoot it out with Tommy and his goons. Bryce and Sarah wake up and speed back to Buy More to save Chuck, who's impressed at how well the ex-lovers kick ass together. When Tommy takes Chuck hostage, Bryce asks if he's wearing a bulletproof vest in Klingon, then shoots him in the chest, and takes Tommy down. Luckily, Chuck is wearing a bulletproof vest.

In the parking lot, Big Mike tells Morgan that he's ruined the biggest sales day of the year, but a fireman claims that there was a gas leak, and Morgan has in fact saved a lot of lives. After reporting to Beckman, Bryce walks out of the Home Theater Room in a tux. He is going deep cover to get the Fulcrum guys, and Bryce Larkin is forever dead. He tells Sarah that they'll always have Omaha, and leaves.

Chuck knocks on Casey's door to offer leftover turkey, but he really wants to know what Bryce meant about Omaha. Casey figures it's probably code, or a contact point. If Sarah wants to get back together with Bryce, she's got to do it now. He tells Chuck not to worry; if Sarah goes, they'll get a new girl. In her room, Sarah listens as both of her phones ring. Chuck's on one line, Bryce is on the other, but she doesn't answer either.

CHUCK Episode 9 - Chuck Versus the Imported Hard Salami


Not all of Sarah's feelings for Chuck may have been a cover, she finds out, as Chuck begins dating Lou, a sandwich maker. When things couldn't get even more complicated, Lou turns out to be a part of a smuggling ring.

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Cast and Crew

Writer: Matt Miller, Scott Rosenbaum

Director: Jason Ensler

Star: Zachary Levi (Chuck Bartowski), Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah Walker), Joshua Gomez (Morgan Pace), Adam Baldwin (Major John Casey), Sarah Lancaster (Ellie Bartowski).

Recurring Role: Vik Sahay (Lester)

Guest Star: Rachel Bilson (Lou Palone), Bonita Friedericy (General Beckman), Julia Ling (Anna Wu), Matthew Bomer (Bryce Larkin), Theodore Zouboulidis (Stavros Demitrios), John Kapelos (Yari Demitrios), Anthony Ruivivar (Tommy).

Episode Recap

Episode 109 | Season 1 | 11/19/2007

In Helsinki, a large crate carrying nuclear cargo and a 72-hour countdown clock is loaded into a shipping container. At Buy More, Morgan asks Chuck to hang out, but Chuck's already hooked up with Lou. Sarah stops by; she doesn't think the break-up is a good idea for their cover, but if Chuck insists, she's going to have to sell it. Sarah cries so everyone at Buy More can see. Lester asks Chuck if Sarah is fair game, and Chuck tells him to go for it.

Beckman doesn't like the break-up either. Sarah tries to cover for Chuck, but Casey blurts out that she got dumped. Beckman insists they learn everything about Lou. Chuck and Lou's first date is going great. She takes him to the deli for a sexy sandwich, and he flashes on a flyer for Club Ares, and a guy named Stavros Demetrios. It turns out that Stavros is Lou's jealous and sometimes violent ex. The playboy son of Greek shipping magnate Yari Demetrios, Stavros owns the club. Lou warns Chuck to stay away from him.

Beckman thinks the Demetrios family has something to do with the time-sensitive package from Helsinki en route to LA. The team wants Chuck to convince Lou to attend the party at Club Ares, so he can get close to Stavros, and see if he flashes. When Lester takes off to hit on Sarah, Lester admits that he'd love to tag Anna, but she'd rather get with Morgan. Sarah calculatedly comes on way too strong for Lester, scaring him off.

Sarah tells Lou not to hurt Chuck; he's a great guy. Lou stops at Buy More with a sandwich for Chuck, and he persuades her to go to Club Ares, claiming that he should make peace with Stavros. Later, Sarah outfits him with a goofy guitar pin, also a listening device, as Chuck laments having to lie to Lou on their second date. Morgan makes a pass at Anna, but she throws him to the floor.

Stavros starts out nice, but quickly gets ugly, showing Chuck his scars from make-up sex with fiery Italian Lou. When he starts talking about snapping Chuck's neck like a chicken, Sarah insists on running into the club, and Chuck runs after her. Pissed that Chuck is spending all his time with their exes, Lou leaves. Flashing on Stavros' father Yari, Chuck lets her go, tossing his guitar pin on a drink tray headed for Yari.

Thanks to the guitar pin, Casey and Sarah learn the time and location of the package's arrival at the docks. Lou won't return Chuck's calls. Morgan spies Anna laughing with Jeff and Lester, and fears that everyone knows he struck out with her, and his reputation is ruined. Sarah apologizes to Chuck for interfering with his date, offering the information that Lou's favorite flower is a Gerber daisy.

Chuck brings Gerber daisies to the deli during the lunch rush, and Lou tells him to take a number. Meanwhile, at the docks, Casey and Sarah open the red shipping container to find only a video camera. Someone must have known they were coming. Lou forgives Chuck with a kiss, after making him wait a long time. Yari and Stavros watch the video feed from the shipping container. Yari hands the guitar pin to Stavros, telling him to find whoever it belongs to and bring him in.

The next morning Sarah and Casey wake Chuck up, after working all night trying to figure out who set them up. They think it's Lou, and have a surveillance photo of her meeting Stavros at the docks after their date. They proceed to the club, where Lou is supposed to meet Stavros. Casey loads Chuck's watch with a listening device and tracker. When Chuck spies Lou he runs to her with Sarah on his tail, only to learn that she's been smuggling imported salamis into the country with Stavros' help.

After Lou confesses she's a smuggler, Chuck ditches his watch in a coffee cup. Lou stalks off just before a gun-toting Sarah arrives, and Stavros shows up with several armed men to shove Chuck and Sarah into the trunk of his car. Chuck and Sarah argue when she learns that he's dumped his tracking watch. Casey visits the deli, telling Lou he's from the FDA, and asking for the dock number where she's been picking up her salamis. Back at Buy More, Anna feels so bad for Morgan that she kisses him in the Home Theater Room.

Stavros brings Chuck and Sarah to his father. Chuck flashes on a few henchman to learn that they are Russian mobsters, and spouts out their darkest criminal secrets to get them bickering at each other. Sarah starts slicing the ropes that tie her up as Casey busts in, sending Chuck and Sarah after the package, which has just arrived, and is set to expire in five minutes. Thinking the package is a bomb, and unable to diffuse it, Sarah pulls Chuck in for a passionate kiss.

The package doesn't explode. Chuck returns to the deli for another apology. Lou thinks he's an undercover agent for the FDA, like Casey. She asks if he ever liked her, and both admit it was good while it lasted, but now's not the time. The next time Chuck gets hungry, he should go to Wienerlicious. When Chuck tells Morgan that he broke up with Lou, Morgan grabs the PA and breaks up with Anna, before learning that Chuck broke up with Lou to get back together with Sarah.

Chuck calls Sarah to leave her a message asking for their first real date that night. Sarah and Casey are in a warehouse, where the packages is about to be opened. The timer was just to measure oxygen supply. An odd bio-container opens up to reveal a not-so-dead Bryce Larkin.

CHUCK Episode 8 - Chuck Versus the Truth


Chuck must learn to balance a real love life with his cover love life when he meets a charming young woman by the name of Lou. At the same time, his relationship with Sarah gets interesting when the duo must explain their sexual relations with Ellie and Captain Awesome on a double date. Meanwhile, there is trouble when someone is using "truth" poison in order to retrieve codes for nuclear facilities.

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Cast and Crew

Writer: Allison Adler

Director: Robert Duncan McNeill

Star: Zachary Levi (Chuck Bartowski), Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah Walker), Joshua Gomez (Morgan Pace), Adam Baldwin (Major John Casey), Sarah Lancaster (Ellie Bartowski).

Recurring Role: C.S. Lee (Harry Tang), Ryan McPartlin (Captain Awesome).

Guest Star: Mark Christopher Lawrence (Big Mike), Chris Dotson (Scooter), Rachel Bilson (Lou Palone), Vik Sahay (Lester), Scott Krinsky (Jeff), Bonita Friedericy (General Beckman), Monika Ramnath (Lauren), Sanjay Chandani (Mason Whitney), Emy Coligado (Mrs. Tang), Kevin Weisman (Reardon Payne).

Episode Recap

Episode 108 | Season 1 | 11/12/2007

Mason Whitney is tied down in Riordan Payne's lair. Riordan has given him a fatal, time-released dose of a truth-telling drug. As soon as Mason reveals where he's hidden the codes, Riordan promises to administer an antidote. In the supply closet at Wienerlicious, Chuck and Sarah rehearse for a sushi dinner date with Ellie and Captain Awesome. When Sarah's boss Scooter knocks, Sarah opens her blouse and jumps Chuck.

Chuck is daydreaming about Sarah's kiss when a really cute girl rings his bell at Buy More. Lou's smart phone is busted and she's freaking out. Chuck can't help flirting with Lou, and they seem to hit it off. She owns a deli in the mall and needs the sandwich recipes in her phone, so Chuck promises to fix it by tomorrow. Morgan accuses Chuck of "mind cheating" on Sarah.

Things are going well at dinner until Captain Awesome accuses Chuck and Sarah of taking their relationship ridiculously slow. Meanwhile, Mason roams the streets near the restaurant in a daze with Riordan on his tail. When Ellie spies Mason collapsing, she tends to him and tosses his wallet to Chuck. Mason drops a necklace in the pocket of Ellie's lucky sweater as they drive off in an ambulance. Chuck flashes on Mason's ID and freaks out - Ellie's locked in an ambulance with a very bad man.

Chuck waits impatiently for Ellie at home. Finally she returns with news that Mason has died from some kind of poisoning. Sarah informs Chuck that it's time they spent the night together. Beckman tells Sarah and Casey that Mason was a programmer for "Sanctuary," an updated security system for U.S. weapons sites. The codes on his missing chip are the key to U.S. nuclear facilities. Beckman orders Sarah and Casey to bring Chuck to the morgue to check out Mason's corpse.

Big Mike tasks Morgan with a special assignment: help Harry's wife Poppy pick out his birthday present. Jeff and Lester videotape the proceedings, as Poppy thanks Morgan with a voluptuous hug. Lou brings Chuck a sandwich to thank him for fixing her phone. When Sarah walks up, he's forced to introduce her as his girlfriend, and Lou seems supremely disappointed.

Sarah finds a strange listening device behind Mason's ear, which infused the poison into his body. Meanwhile, Riordan questions Ellie, dressed as a cop. He pretends to fix her hair for a photo, and puts a similar listening device behind her ear. Chuck stops by Wienerlicious to talk to Sarah about plans to spend their first night together. When he spies Lou, he runs after her, to explain that he wishes he could explain, but it's complicated. If it gets less complicated, Lou tells Chuck to give her a call.

Jeff and Lester show Harry the videotape where Morgan asks Poppy to meet him in the Home Theater Room tomorrow night. Chuck decorates his room with candles and sexy music, which doesn't make Sarah happy - they're only doing this for cover. Still, she's wearing lingerie. Sarah claims she's only being professional, but Chuck jabs that it's the oldest profession. They roll to opposite sides of the bed, as Casey listens in.

Chuck asks Sarah about seeing other people. She doesn't think it's a good idea, and knows that he has a crush on Lou. Woozy, Ellie starts an argument with Captain Awesome, which she brings into Chuck's bedroom. She confesses to stealing from him when they were little. When Casey rings the doorbell to tell Sarah that he's getting crosstalk, Ellie passes out, and Sarah finds the poisoner's patch behind her ear.

Government teams are racing to find an antidote for Ellie, but Chuck's not convinced. He grabs the listening device, and announces that the codes are still on Ellie at the hospital, so Riordan will come to them. Chuck sits at Ellie's bedside and tells her everything, even about Lou. Captain Awesome enters with Ellie's lucky sweater, and the necklace falls out of the pocket.

Riordan finds Sarah disguised as Ellie in a hospital room. In a standoff with Casey, he holds up a vial of poison and a vial of antidote, as Chuck crashes into the room with the necklace. The vial of poison falls to the floor, and the fumes poison all four of them. Riordan runs for it. Casey throws a crutch, taking Riordan down, and Sarah lunges for the vial of antidote. She wants Chuck to take it, but he insists on giving it to Ellie, as they all start telling each other the truth.

Casey, Sarah and Chuck sadly prepare to die, until Chuck spies Riordan's PDA. They proceed to Riordan's loft. Riordan, an ex-gymnast, does some gymnastic battling until Sarah shoots him in the knee, and he turns over the codes and the antidote. Taking his last chance to know the truth, Chuck asks Sarah if their relationship is every going anywhere. She says "no," and Chuck thanks her for being honest, even if she couldn't help it.

The team debriefs with Beckman in the Home Theater Room, and Harry storms in, thinking to catch Morgan with Poppy. Casey tells Harry that they are spies, and now he is, too. Will Harry mind relocating to Oahu to await instructions? The next day, Big Mike tells Morgan to change the delivery address on Harry's present to Oahu. Harry won't be missed, but Big Mike will sure miss Poppy, who he was diddling for the last six months.

Chuck tells Sarah that his recent near-death experience made him see a list of things he's never done. He needs to end their fake relationship. Chuck hangs out with Lou at her deli as Sarah's phone rings. Casey asks if she said anything to compromise them during the time she was under the pentothal. Sarah admits if she hadn't been trained to withstand the truth-inducing effects of pentothal, she might have.

CHUCK Episode 7 - Chuck Versus the Alma Mater


Returning to Stanford, the University that expelled him, Chuck has to help a former professor who is a Government agent being hunted for a sensitive top-secret file he has in his possession. At the same time, Chuck learns much about himself and about the death of his friend Bryce Larkin.

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Cast and Crew

Writer: Anne Cofell Saunders

Director: Patrick Norris

Star: Zachary Levi (Chuck Bartowski), Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah Walker), Joshua Gomez (Morgan Pace), Adam Baldwin (Major John Casey), Sarah Lancaster (Ellie Bartowski).

Recurring Role: C.S. Lee (Harry Tang), Julia Ling (Anna Wu), Ryan McPartlin (Captain Awesome), Bonita Friedericy (General Beckman), Tony Todd (CIA Director Graham)

Guest Star: Matthew Bomer(Bryce Larkin).

Episode Recap

Episode 107 | Season 1 | 11/05/2007

At Stanford, Professor Fleming lectures on subliminal encoding. He spies a big man enter the hall as the class is leaving, so he grabs his briefcase and runs into his office. While scooping stuff into his briefcase he makes a call, using code name Black Castle. He's made a mistake by copying intel onto a disk - now they're after it. He disappears down a trap door in the closet as the big guy busts through the door.

Morgan appeals to Chuck for help with Harry. Harry is lording over everyone in his monogrammed Assistant Manager shirt with new strict rules, and has Morgan in his sights. Chuck is surprised to learn that the guy who expelled him from Stanford, Fleming, is CIA and has gone missing. Beckman thinks he's fled to L.A., and asks for Chuck's help to bring him in. Chuck tells her to find someone else to help.

Captain Awesome's frat buddies are gathered in the courtyard. Ellie explains that they are preparing to caravan up to Stanford for a football game, and they got him a ticket. Chuck begs off - he's done with Stanford. Chuck pulls a photo of him and Bryce out of a box of Stanford memorabilia and flashes back to the day in 2003 when he packed his things and left his fraternity. He asks Bryce why he betrayed him, but Bryce insists Chuck did it to himself.

Chuck flashes on his Stanford ID then runs to ask Casey why his file is in the Intersect. Neither Casey nor Sarah knows. They suggest that Chuck ask Fleming, who's now being hunted by Icelandic free agent, Magnus, whose signature is the crossbow. Fleming is in Hollywood, and Casey demands Chuck help bring him in. Chuck flashes back to the moment Fleming accused him of stealing test answers from his office. Chuck denied it, but Fleming sided with his informant, Bryce.

Anna leads a Fingers of Fury contest pitting Lester against champion Morgan, when Harry appears to turn off the wall of TVs with his new master remote, banishing Morgan to clean the diaper changing station. Casey and Sarah tell Chuck to stay in the car, but he sees Fleming. Fleming runs until he realizes Chuck is with the Company, telling him next time to use the code phrase, "Are you coming to the toga party?"

Chuck asks Fleming why he had a file on him at Stanford. Fleming says "I'm sorry," and hugs Chuck, but only because he has an arrow in his back. He hands Chuck a list of numbers for Bryce. Fleming collapses on top of Chuck as another arrow pins the list to the ground, and Magnus retrieves it. Fleming survives, but is headed to surgery, and Chuck can't remember the numbers.

Ellie finds a Stanford library book that's been overdue for four years, but Chuck still refuses to return to his alma mater. Chuck flashes back to playing spy games in the library with Bryce and realizes that the numbers on Fleming's note are Dewey Decimal numbers belonging to a book in the Stanford library - Fleming must have stashed his disk there in Bryce's secret spot. Now he has to go back to school.

Chuck walks across campus with Sarah and Casey. It's harder than he thought to come back. Bryce had four years to make it right between them, and Chuck still doesn't know why he didn't. Casey had taken the liberty of reactivating Chuck's ID so they can enter the library, bringing up a red flag on the library computer. Meanwhile, Morgan hatches a plan to steal the master remote out of Harry's locker, and Anna volunteers to be the distraction.

Chuck finds the hidden disk when a librarian interrupts, claiming Chuck owes over $300 in late fees. Magnus then appears with a crossbow and some goons to do battle. They run to Fleming's lecture hall to check the contents of the disk: ten years of files on students recruited into the CIA by Fleming. There's a file on Chuck, but Sarah tells him not to look as Magnus and his goons descend. Chuck takes the disk and runs.

Lester betrays Morgan to Harry, who promotes Lester, and sends Morgan to "the hole." Morgan calls Chuck to find out the code to Harry's master remote, then blackmails Harry into taking him out of the hole. Chuck starts calling students listed on Fleming's disk, asking them to come to the toga party with lots of fire power. Student recruits appear to defeat Magnus and his goons.

Back at home, Sarah comes to collect the disk, but Chuck needs to know what's in his file. He finds a video of Bryce and Fleming. Bryce is furious that Fleming has already put Chuck on the recruitment track. Chuck is too good hearted, he won't survive. Chuck aced the test, so he's in no matter what. Bryce theorizes that if Chuck cheated on the test, it would invalidate his results. Chuck realizes that Bryce framed him to save him, and couldn't tell because he was already in the CIA.

Now Chuck believes that Bryce might have had good reason to break into the Intersect and send it to him. Sarah tells Chuck not to tell anyone and to destroy the disk. Chuck retrieves his Stanford memorabilia out of the garbage, and flashes back to his freshman year, the day he met Bryce for the first time. They bond over computer geek stuff, which Chuck admits doesn't play well with chicks. Bryce says he knows the perfect girl, Jill, and offers to introduce Chuck to her.